Seven “Bees”

honey bee, bee, insect

Bumble bees are amazing creatures. Defying the laws of aerodynamics, physics, and gravity, they meander through their lives’ work of collecting pollen and transporting it back to the hive where it will be transformed into honey.

As someone whose seasonal allergies make “pollen” a bad word, I am struck by the little miracle of what transformation of pollen-into-honey. Something that causes asthma and sneezing and red eyes made into something that soothes sore throats and helps heal wounds and tastes like heaven. Really?!?

Meditating on the work of the bumble bee at the beginning of the lock-down period in spring 2020, the similarity of the work of moms-under-stay-at-home orders and bumble bees transforming the pollen struck me. Listen in for seven “bees’ worth” of gifts of grace.


Shannon Vowell

Author / Seeker

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