
It’s an interesting time right now in my household. After weeks (and weeks) of waiting, we are making progress on the Big Freeze-damaged bathrooms.  Anticipating a time when we will…

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The glamorous couple in this photo are Lynn and Glenda Vowell. The baby in Glenda’s arms is her firstborn child, a daughter, my sister-in-law Tawni. Lynn is meeting Tawni for…

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For the last several months, I have had trouble sleeping through the night. Inexplicably wide awake at 2 or 3 in the morning, I strain to hear the clock chiming…

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circa 2020 Eighteen months ago, I had knee surgery that was supposed to be “no big deal.” The average recovery time was under 6 weeks; my doctor was confident that…

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Labor Day 2020 – Resting is the Reason

Next Monday is Labor Day. We think of this annual national holiday mostly as a "last hurrah" for summertime.  Gatherings centered on barbecue-and-beer, a final weekend at the beach, the day before school starts, etc.  The brief pause of Labor Day signals a segue' in tempo: from long, lazy vacay-days to shorter, stricter school-days; a syncopated downbeat before the pace picks up double-quick.

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