
I drove from Frisco to Sherman last week, a drive of about an hour straight north up Preston Road. I had an appointment at the Department of Public Safety, to…

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What Lasts

The unusually cool, wet weather this spring has coaxed lavish flowering from our roses and extended the bloom-time of our irises by weeks.  Our garden has been testifying to the…

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With Me

I have written before about Bonnie-the-Dog, my faithful canine companion. She is the Ultimate Pet – a beautiful creature who exists exclusively for the giving and receiving of affection. Oh,…

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Snow Day

Like the rest of North Texas, we are home today. I like it. There’s a conspiratorial satisfaction to being hunkered down and knowing that everyone else is, too. Occasionally a…

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Many, many folks – Christians and non-Christians alike – sing “The Twelve Days of Christmas” with gusto, but put away their trees, decorations, and Christmas music on December 26th.  The…

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The angel Gabriel tells Mary straight out: “Nothing will be impossible for God.”  That’s the core tenet of Advent:  Get ready, because the impossible is somehow, suddenly, HAPPENING.  God shrinking…

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A gray day but the garden is alive with wings: autumnal foragers, intent on little birdy quests for sustenance.  They dart and scoot among trailing spider’s web strings, late-fading flowers,…

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