Good Friday

Sunrise that day:

Your own Creation displaying glory.

aerial view of city during daytime

But no joy for You;

You stumbled, pain-wracked, through the story

To see it to its bitter end,

To see it through…

No hope, no friend

Could there attend You as You faced

What no one else could face:

The whole weight, reek, waste, and grief of the human race;

Sin itself put on You, the sinless One…

Father, Spirit, separated from suffering Son…

white concrete statue under blue sky during daytime

How did You persevere?

What kept You there – displayed, a broken thing,

As if You were NOT God? Not Lord? Not King?

What held You to that Cross through hours that lasted years –

Straining to contain the centuries’ mass of murders, lies, greed, fears?

Why did You choose to die one Friday afternoon –

You, Who created time itself? 

Was there no other way

To wipe the slate clean, ransom all the slaves, 

Than living every moment of that Hellish day

And then living Hell itself? 

All, all for us – that we might truly say,

“My Savior” –


“Our Father” –


With You, Immanuel,

Through all eternity … 

I cannot see how we were worth Your agony.

grayscale photography of man lying on floor

But Your love declared it so

And You are the Truth 

You are “I Am”

Logos. Lord. 




O Jesus, grant us sight today to see Your bleeding body 

as Your gift

Of life to us, 

the beggars that You lift

From muck and mire to holiness and peace.

O Jesus, give us breath to praise and faith to claim:

Your love 





Shannon Vowell

Author / Seeker

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